


This hook returns a vec4 node of the input color for current shader context. You can use this value to set the result color of your shader.

const color = useColor();
<Assign to={color}>
	<Color hex="#ff0000"/>


This hook provides the vCoords input for the shader, which you can use to receive the current pixel coordinates.

const coords = useCoords();
<Assign to={color}>
	<Vec4 x={<Y of={coords}/> } y={0.5} z={0.5} w={1}/>


This hook returns a uniform u_time node. You can use this to animate your shader.

const time = useTime();
<Assign to={color}>
	<Vec4 x={<Sin of={time}/> } y={0.5} z={0.5} w={1}/>

usePrelude(prelude: string)

This hook appends any GLSL code before the main function of the shader.


Valid GLSL code, which will be injected.


const MyComponent = () => {
    usePrelude('// Hello, I will be inserted before the main()');
    return <Color hex="#ff00ff"/>

The output GLSL code will be:

glsl #version 300 es
precision mediump float; 
// Hello, I will be inserted here
out vec4 fragColor;
in vec2 vCoords;
uniform float u_time;
void main() {
	fragColor = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);