

Define main function

  <Assign to={<Output type={"vec4"} id={"fragColor"} />}>
    <Vec4 x={0} y={0} z={1} w={1} />

Call custom function

// Arguments should be provided as children
<Call fn={"circle"} type={"float"}>
    <Float value={0.5} />


<Acos of={0.5} />
<Asin of={0.5} />
<Atan of={0.5} />
<Cos of={0.5} />
<Sin of={0.5} />
<Tan of={0.8} />

Mathematical Functions

<Abs a={-0.5} />
<Ceil value={0.5} />
<Floor a={0.5} />
<Fract of={0.5} />
<InverseSqrt a={0.5} />
<Log a={0.5} />
<Log2 a={0.5} />
<Max a={0.5} b={0.1} />
<Min a={0.5} b={0.1} />
<Pow a={0.5} b={0.6} />
<Sign a={0.5} />
<Sqrt a={0.9} />

Vector and Geometric Functions

// Computes the cross product of two vectors.
<Cross a={<Vec3 x={0.5} />} b={<Vec3 x={0.1} />} />
// Calculates the distance between two points.
<Distance from={<Vec2 x={0.5} y={0.7} />} to={<Vec2 x={0.4} y={0.7} />} />
// Computes the dot product of two vectors.
<Dot a={<Vec2 x={0.5} y={0.7} />} b={<Vec2 x={0.4} y={0.7} />} />
// Computes the length of a vector.
<Length of={<Vec3 x={0.5} />} />
// Normalizes a vector.
<Normalize value={<Vec2 value={[0.1, 0.2]} />} />

Interpolation and Range Functions

<Clamp x={0.5} min={0.1} max={0.4} />
<Mix a={0.5} b={0.1} c={0.2} />
<Mod a={0.5} b={0.1} />
<SmoothStep from={0.5} to={0.8} x={0.6} />
<Step edge={0.5} x={0.9} />


<Degrees radians={Math.PI / 2} />
<Radians degrees={<Float value={180} />} />