Getting Started
How It Works?

How It Works?


Any program, including Shader Programs, can be represented by an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST), which can then be converted back into program source code. React Shader Fiber uses the Shader-AST (opens in a new tab) library to convert any operation or expression into an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST).

RSF converts React Components into AST. Each component represents an expression from the GLSL language. For example:

// The following React Shader Fiber code
    <Vec2 x={0.1} y={0.9}/>
    <Float value={2.0}/>
// in GLSL will look like
vec2(0.1, 0.9) + 2.0

Standart (Native) Components

Components, representing standard operations and expressions of GLSL, are collected in the @react-shader/stdlib package. Refer to the API Reference for the complete list of supported operations. You can use them to construct your own components, encapsulating complex logic to be reused across your shaders.

RSF Components

React Shader Fiber provides some helpful components such as Player, Shader, Color, and others. These are designed to help you compose and render your shader. If you require more flexibility, you can create your own components.

Below is the structure of the components we discussed.